If you would like to report someone you believe to be practising illegally, please provide us with as much detail as possible to allow us to fully and properly investigate the matter. [* = mandatory fields]
Data protection The way in which the GDC processes personal data is governed by data protection law, which includes the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 (“GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (“DPA 2018”). In order to investigate the criminal offences created by the Dentists Act 1984, the GDC will obtain personal data from individuals who complain to the GDC about illegal practice and about the subjects of those investigations. The basis on which the GDC processes personal data in connection with illegal practice is that the processing is necessary for the exercise of the GDC’s statutory functions in relation to illegal practice. Where the GDC processes special category personal data or criminal conviction data in connection with illegal practice investigations, it does so on the basis that the processing is necessary for the exercise of the GDC’s statutory functions in relation to illegal practice and that the processing is also in the substantial public interest. Information about how the GDC will use and share the information you give us, the various rights you have in connection with any personal data about you that is held by the GDC, and how long we will keep your information for can be found in the privacy notice on our website at www.gdc-uk.org/privacy.
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Please provide the details of the person you are making this complaint on behalf of.
Please enter the details of the person or company that you wish to report.